Thursday, January 24, 2008

Original Poem: I Lost


It was the week the world came down on me

I lost all my friends
They faded all around
They started to avoid me
And I understand why

I lost all my family
I’ve become so distant
They seem to be scared for me
And I understand why

I lost all my goals
My heart was so determined
Yet they got further away
But I understand why

I lost all my joys
I used to be well rounded
But nothing interests me now
And I know the reason

But most of all, I lost you
My friend, my family
My goal, my everything
And it’s entirely my fault

Seeing you with the problems you had
I didn’t pay too much mind to it
This emptiness now, it overwhelms me
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alone

I should have stopped you from that drug
But I never thought it’d take you away
How foolish of me


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