Friday, May 2, 2008

Cultural Event: Miss FDHS Pageant

Cultural Event Two: Miss Fort Dorchester High School Pageant
The Miss FDHS Pageant was held on a Saturday afternoon in the school’s auditorium. There were representatives from all classes—Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior—who were competing for the crown. Last year’s Miss FDHS was there to pass on her crown. Other queens were there as well, like Miss Relay For Life and Miss South Carolina (I think). There were three rounds: Casual Wear, Talent Competition, and Evening Wear. Many performed song and dance and a few others chose to be different. There was a winner from each class and an overall winner who won the title Miss FDHS. That person just happened to be Caitlin Oenbrink.
Overall, I thought the whole thing was a complete waste of time. The majority of the girls—if not all—had the most fake smiles I have ever seen. They were really pretty though. A good number of them, though, wore way too much make-up. When each contestant went to introduce themselves in the beginning of the pageant I thought it was crazy how stiff most of them walked. Except for a select couple, the rest of them could NOT walk in heels. You are supposed to go heel to toe, but they all went flat and that caused them to look stiff, nervous and unprofessional. And again, the smiles as they were making were ridiculous. I wanted to laugh at a few but I thought that would be too mean and I did not want to get jumped.
Anyways, the Casual Wear round was okay. But, there were some clothes that did not go together and some shoes that did not match the clothing either. But a lot of them were pretty well matched.
The Talent Competition was the worst round of the three. I’m sorry, but if you’re going to try to sing but end up talking the words to only one side of the auditorium, and on top of that have a horrible voice, you might as well get off the stage because there are more people out there than the people who are cheering for you. As usual, there were a few talents who performed “dance” but only moved their hands to the beat (boring!).
There were a couple acts, however, that I actually liked. There was a contestant who dressed up in camouflage and recited a poem that she wrote with a drum beating in the background as if it were wartimes. I thought that was pretty cool. There was also a girl who had a slideshow of some pretty awesome photographs she had taken for her talent. It was definitely something you wouldn’t think would be someone’s talent at a pageant, but the pictures were gorgeous.
Last came the Formal Wear round. This was my favorite round because I like to feel as if I’m at an auction looking for a prom dress or something. Almost all of the dresses were beautiful. The only part I did not like about this round was the fact that each contestant was told to walk around the stage in one small circle and then one big circle and it felt like FOREVER. Each contestant circled the stage for like three minutes and then the next contestant would go and it lasted soooo long. Argh!
If it wasn’t for Cindy Tang calling me up asking, “Wanna go to the Pageant?” I would not have gone if I knew what I was in store for. It was long. There were long pauses, long intermissions, and long walks. If it was not for my good nature, I would have gone crazy.

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