Friday, May 2, 2008

Persuasive Analysis: Gun Control

Persuasive Analysis #2

This editorial written by Edward A. Flynn is about gun control policies in Milwaukee. He is arguing that the current criminals who have a gun in their possession are not worried about getting caught because if they do, they would only be in custody for a brief amount of time. The number of criminals who were caught with the firearms do not pose any real threat to those who have not been caught yet because so many of them disregard that fact of getting caught. They just have that mental side note that if they were to get caught it would not be that big of a deal because soon you would be free from police and can roam around again.
This editorial appeals to the reader’s emotions because of the number of references of young children being in possession of lethal weapons or even thinking about getting one. Flynn wants to change the influence that is being put onto kids to carry weapons. Many of them, if they have a gun in possession, often do not know why they do and often react to certain situations differently if they did not have a firearm on them.

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