Sunday, March 9, 2008

Song Interpretation: Stop Me

Mark Ronson - Stop Me (Featuring D. Merriweather)


Stop me, oh oh oh, stop me,
Stop me if you think that you've,
Heard this one before.
Stop me, oh oh oh, stop me,
Stop me if you think that you've,
Heard this one before.
Cause nothing's changed,
I still love you.
Oh, I still love you,
Only slightly, only slightly less,
Than I used to, my love.

I was delayed, I was way-laid,
An emergency stop,
I saw the last ten seconds of life,
I crashed down on the crossbar,
And the pain was enough to make,
A shy, bald, buddhist reflect.
And plan a mass murder,
Who said I'd lied to her?

Who said I'd lied?
Because I never, never,
Who said I'd lied because I never.

I was detained, I was restrained,
Broke my knee,
And broke my spleen,
And then he really layed into me. (Yeah)
Friday night in out-patients,
Who said I'd lied to her?

Who said I'd lied?
Because I never, never,
Who said I'd lied to her?

Oh, so I drank one,
It became four.
And when I fell on the floor,
I drank more

Stop me, oh oh oh, stop me,
Stop me if you think that you've,
Heard this one before.
Stop me, oh oh oh, I said stop me,
Stop me if you think that you've,
Heard this one before.
Nothing's changed.
I still love you,
Oh, I still love you.
Only slightly, only slightly less,
than I used to, my love.

Set me free why dont you?
Get out my life why dont you?
Cause you dont really love me, you just keep me hanging on
Set me free why dont you?
Get out of my love why dont you?
Cause you dont really love me you just keep me hanging on.

The song “Stop Me” by Mark Ronson—sung by Daniel Merriweather—is a based on a story about a relationship between people whose life together is falling apart because of the man’s constant lies about where he is during the day. The girl believes in the lies until he messes up and tells her the same story twice, thus ending the relationship.
Throughout the entire song are examples of the lies he tells his significant other even though he constantly denies it. The first lie he makes up is the one where he exclaims, “I was delayed, I was way-laid, an emergency stop, I saw the last ten seconds of life...” Here he is making the excuse that he was in an accident and he was hurt so bad that he almost died.
The next excuse he makes up is when he states that he “…broke my [his] knee, broke my spleen…” He lies to her about getting hurt which caused him to be late. The last tale he tells her is that he had been drinking and that he had been drinking so much that he couldn’t stop and did not know where he was.
After each excuse he says, “Who said I’d lied to her?” I think Ronson put this phrase here to make the listener understand what is going on and that he was actually lying to his girl. When Merriweather constantly sings that line it makes the reader think about the excuse he made and how outrageous they are and realize how unreal they must be.
The song title “Stop Me” plays a significant role within the song. It is used as the chorus in the song and is the one thing that makes the listener realizes he is in fact making up all the lies. Merriweather sings, “Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before.” This line basically is referencing to the made up stories throughout the entire song. He knows that if he tells his loved one the same lie twice she would know that he was making up the tales and that he was lying to her the entire time which may cause the relationship to crumble.
The listener can tell the singer feels badly about all the times he lied to his girl when he states, “Nothing’s changed, I still love you…” However, the speaker may only be saying this line to keep his girl he thinks he loves but is still going to go out and do the things he had been doing.
And, in the end, even though Merriweather sings the last two stanzas, it is from the girl’s point of view. She finally had enough of all the games he played on her and tells exclaims “Get out of my life why don’t you? Cause you don’t really love me, you just keep me hanging on.” She realizes that the relationship is probably never going to heal because of how much he wrecked the trust. Therefore, she wants him to let go of her because she is tired of all the drama and the suffering.

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