Friday, May 2, 2008

Original Poem: You Are My Life

You Are My Life

You’re everywhere within my life
A knife, my clothes, that bottle of wine
Many don’t understand how important you are
Of course, they just have not learned

With you existing, everything’s like a puzzle
All things just seem to fit together
Humanity can’t see you, but some of us know you’re there
And how we couldn’t live without you

It may sound strange to some
Being unable to see you individually
We realize how much you impact our world
Plus actually bring us into existence

It’s hard to tell whether or not it’s true
If we take the time to look around
We touch ourselves and the surroundings
Still, unable to feel you move

To imagine our society bound together by you
Is a thought some people can’t fathom
Some cannot believe that an invisible thing
Can create the earth where they live and breathe

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