Friday, May 2, 2008

Persuasive Analysis: Juicy Fruit

Persuasive Analysis #3
Juicy Fruit Gum Advertisement

This advertisement for Juicy Fruit Gum was found in a GamePro magazine. The ad is very funny. The gum displayed is Juicy Fruit’s Grapermelon and an odd looking fruit was created by putting grapes and a melon together. On the bottom of the advertisement is friend of Godzilla, Lambzilla, who is reaching for the Grapermelon gum through the border line.
This advertisement shows an example of the Appeal to Authority fallacy. The advertisement is basically saying, the gum is so wickedly good that even beasts—like Lambzilla—would reach over their page borders just to get their hands on the gum. Because Lambzilla is known to the people who often read this magazine, it would most definitely be an example of Appeal to Authority.
This is also an example of the fallacy Straw Man. The advertisement is very exaggerated with the Lambzilla jumping through borders to reach the goodness. It just shows how desperate the creature is to get their hands on the chewing gum. Even though animals do not chew gum, this is exactly why this ad is a Straw Man.

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