Friday, January 25, 2008


Yes! I made banners to put on the side. Mind my Asian-ness =_=...
Anyways! I uploaded a few more songs onto my player to your left.
<---- Over there on this side :D The ones you HAVE to listen to, no matter what type of music you like are:
Sprinkler - Journey to Treasure Island (She's so underrated...)
Flyleaf - All Around Me (Really, really goooooood song <333.)
Drunken Tiger
- 8:45 Heaven (I used to hate this song, but once I saw his performance and his passion for it I fell in love with it.)
Younha - Password 486 (Well, not just this song. All of them are great!)
Krezip - Can't You Be Mine, Play This Game With Me (Love love love!)
Margaret Berger - Robot Song (A song you'll probably never hear of ever again, and what a loss that would be. Great beat =P) I am definitely not going to procrastinate on this portfolio. I already have one thing done! Hahaha...

Well I gotta go to sleep now. I have a yardsale tomorrow that requires me to wake before 6:30 T___T.
And I thought I finally had the chance to sleep in...



Sapharia said...

I def love the new banners you made and also your new template! btw, it was 4 cultural arts events right????

Una Cantor said...

I really like your blog! It looks great and has a serious touch of personal style. Go girl!